God wants to shape the lives of the followers of Jesus with an even bigger story. That story is found in the Bible. I am convinced that Christ intends to transform a portion of this world through each of His disciples. I am also convinced that Christ intends to transform each of His followers by the Big Story that the Bible tells. Or to put it another way—God transforms us through His Word, so that He can transform the world through us.
That’s why I see that it is critical to immerse ourselves in the Scriptures and to read them as we would read a story, rather than as a book of spiritual principles. It’s important that we get caught up in the Story of creation, fall, Abraham, Israel, Christ, and the early church. This story is our story. And it’s a story that is transforming our world into the kingdom of the heavens.
To help people (especially young people) understand the unity of the Story, I have divided the Bible into episodes.
Episode I: One God to Rule Them All (Genesis 1-11)
Episode II: A People of Promise, A Land of Promise (Genesis 12 – Judges)
Episode III: A Throne of Promise (Ruth – Malachi)
Episode IV: The Promise Takes His Throne (Matthew-John)
Episode V: A New People of Promise (Acts-Jude)
Episode VI: A New Land of Promise (Revelation)
Meta-narrative...the larger overarching story we find ourselves end.
I like how Rob Bell puts it..."we're living between the trees."
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