TRIP TO "THE HOLY LAND"I'm still amazed how refreshing a two hour drive in total silence can be. Although not without its moments of bombardment from the enemy with inappropriate thoughts, I enjoyed the clarity in thinking and meditation.
The one-on-one time with my son, Tim was great. Had fun meeting and visiting with his roommates. The time with the FCA was awesome. I was energized just being in the room with so many sincere and gifted followers of Jesus Christ. The potential for kingdom impact in that room was immeasurable. I felt like I adopted a whole new set of kids.
One of my favorite parts of an Aggie home game is the pre-game flyover. I though it had to be cool to be a graduate of A&M and get to fly an F16 over your old school in front of a stadium full of former students. What an honor! What a rush! That's a little the way I felt standing in front of the Aggie FCA. I was thrilled that God gave me such a privilege.
On the way home, I got two twenty-once bottles of Mountain Dew MDX. It was about 11:00 p.m., so I decided that I would risk a heart attack rather than falling asleep at the wheel. I was tremendously blessed listening to Mars Hill Church in Grand Rapids. I had downloaded their Sunday service before Ash Wednesday and their Ash Wednesday service. I felt like I was taking part.
"From ashes you have come..." consider that you are a mere creature who owes your existence completely to God.
" ashes you will return..." consider that you are mortal. Quit living as if you are never going to die (physically).
The cross on the forehead reminds us that we are on a journey with Jesus. We haven't arrived and we are moving not only to the Cross but through to Resurrection.
Seeing that others have a cross on their forehead reminds us that we have company.
Wow! The Scripture readings and prayers were powerful.