Remembering to Forget
I lead a seminary extension class one night a week. We are studying the book of Hebrews. Last night we were discussing one of the provisions of the New Covenant--"I will remember their sins no more". A question came up--"Why do we sometimes have a hard time forgetting our sins?" Two things came to my mind.
First, maybe there is a correlation between our ability to forget our sins and the willingness to forget the sins of others. "Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy." How can I believe that I can bring up the past failures of others without quenching the Spirit's work of helping me forget my own? How many times have you heard yourself say, "There you go again. You always..." Or if you haven't said it, at least you thought it.
Second, we tend to remember the sins that shame us while being totally unaware of the other sins that offend God. We beat our chests and tear our garments over succumbing to that "habit" again or doing the unthinkable. Yet, we justify energetically and eloquently our pride, anger, and critical spirits.
I lead a seminary extension class one night a week. We are studying the book of Hebrews. Last night we were discussing one of the provisions of the New Covenant--"I will remember their sins no more". A question came up--"Why do we sometimes have a hard time forgetting our sins?" Two things came to my mind.
First, maybe there is a correlation between our ability to forget our sins and the willingness to forget the sins of others. "Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy." How can I believe that I can bring up the past failures of others without quenching the Spirit's work of helping me forget my own? How many times have you heard yourself say, "There you go again. You always..." Or if you haven't said it, at least you thought it.
Second, we tend to remember the sins that shame us while being totally unaware of the other sins that offend God. We beat our chests and tear our garments over succumbing to that "habit" again or doing the unthinkable. Yet, we justify energetically and eloquently our pride, anger, and critical spirits.